
Monday, January 17, 2005

Conservation of Soul

From a fine discussion with a friend over coffee

Is there an afterlife? Does the soul continue? Or do we live on metaphorically in our children, the memories of those whose live's we've touched, the work we've done while on this earth?

Lately I've been thinking of afterlife in this way. We do not cease to exist. Parts of us live on in the hearts and minds of others. Words on a page we leave behind. And our bodies are made of matter which can neither be created nor destroyed. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.

As I sat in meeting, breathing deeply, "centering down" I thought of the fact that the air we are breathing is the same air that people have been breathing for thousands of years. Some of the molecules I'm taking into my lungs may once have been in the lungs of the living Jesus. I breathed deeply, taking in as much as I could, hoping to hold some of his peace, his wisdom, his compassion and his active faith.

It was an odd combination of philosophy, theology and science. But then so am I. An agnostic Christian raised as a Unitarian (by a family of scientists) but now pursuing membership in the Religious Society of Friends. Go figure.


Blogger Kate said...

what you say about the afterlife reminds me of Thic Nhat Han's "No Death, No Fear". this helps me as I try to explain death to my 3 and 5 year olds, who have LOTS of questions.

I like your blog too. Thanks for writing.

12:24 PM  

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