Poety stuff - God Snores
God comes to meeting before anyone else
Takes a seat toward the back
And rests his chin on his chest
He always wears his nametag
Facing the wrong way
Sorry feminists,
He is an old man with white hair.
A wild beard
Bushy, patriarchal eyebrows
As the silence of the meeting settles
Dusty and full of old prayers
That circulate with the squeaking ceiling fans
God snores
It is a sawing snore
That rattles the windows
Uninterrupted by our polite worship
Our quiet platitudes.
If we sing or dance or shout
Will he open his blue eyes?
Poety stuff - Two Births
Eyes closed
Thinking about opening
Like a flower
Petals falling away from one another
Joints I didn’t know I had
Muscles tense and relax
All this wild motion and stillness
The machinery of life and creation
Moving to welcome you
I wonder
Does a flower feel this burning pressure
This urgency
As the petals unfold?
Utkata konasana
Goddess pose
The pose where your feet sink into the earth
Knees bent
Arms outstretched
Only I leaned against the raised hospital bed
The midwife poised to catch you
Slowly, slowly
As you slipped into her cold hands
Angry and purple, you withdrew your sounds
As punishment
Signing with clenched fists—