
Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Northern Yearly Meeting

I recently attended (with my family) a Quaker gathering of Northern Yearly Meeting-- those meetings here in the upper midwest who are part of Friends General Conference (FGC).

I want to say all kinds of clever things about the experience, but I have nothing very clever to say. I had the chance to attend some annual sessions led by Liz Oppenheimer on the development of a Quaker Identity.

It was very interesting to have a session on quaker identity among Liberal Friends led by a Conservative-leaning Friend.

These can be misleading labels. It has nothing to do with politics. Liberal Friends have a wider definition of Quaker theology. They may include non-Christians and even non-theists in their meetings. Conservative Friends have a narrower definition of Quakerism that is much more in line with historical beliefs of Friends.

What struck me as very interesting is that the main difference between Liberal and Conservative Friends is not in how they develop their individual quaker identity, but in what they demand of a corparate Quaker identity. Conservative Quakers wish for more accord between members.

I understand the desire for this shared spirituality that goes beyond simply shared practice. If all a meeting shares is silence in worship, it could seem empty without an underlying element of common belief.

I am firmly on the turf of the Liberal Quakers. I believe there is a a place for a wide range of beliefs, but I cannot yet articulate the place of Universalism within the Religious Society of Friends.

So much of what Liz was saying resonated with me. I believe that Liberal Friends have lost something and need to reclaim the framework for sharing faith and practice instead of having a room full of individuals. Quakerism is a corporate practice.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

The Role of Hate Speech in Christianity

I woke this morning to a story on NPR about a Christain group in Maryland trying to say that hate speech legistlation that includes gays and lesbians in the protected groups infringes on the rights of Christians. This man being interviewed (and I'll have to listen to it again) seemed to be saying that limiting hate speech against gays was the first step on the path to eliminating Christianity-- that Christians are nothing without their hate.

It makes me sad that I'm a Christian now. I think I could claim more of the moral high ground back when I was an athiest. I just can't get behind the idea that in order to be Christian, it is necessary to be hateful.

I wish I had the answer for how not to have a nation full of people who are ovewhelmingly defensive and self-righteous. I myself am feeling more defensive and self-righteous every day.

I want to say that people should follow their conscience, but so often their consciences aren't that reliable. (Like whenever they disagree with me.)

But aside from the fact that so many people are wrong in their beliefs, shouldn't we really find a way to coexist in spite of differences? Shouldn't we be able to honor the loyal opposition instead of painting them as demons and traitors?

I know I certainly don't feel like a demon and a traitor. I don't feel like a dupe of "liberal media bias." I don't feel that I have fallen prey to "the homosexual agenda." I do feel invisbile and powerless. And I don't feel that proud of being a "person of faith" at the moment.

You never hear about the reasonable Christians in the news. Never hear about what's going on with the UCC churches, or other liberal protestant congregations. There's not a peep about the Unitarians or the Quakers... those of us hanging to the left fringes of Christianity. Why aren't we noisier? Why aren't we as press-worthy?

Jesus is on our side. I know it. Let's start the Crusades again. I hear they were fun.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Poem in 5 and 7 syllables


Single word apology

His hand an afterimage
Imprint turning red
Almost beautiful
Flowering against her cheek

Behind sliding paper doors
The sound of my host father
Beating his nine-year-old son
For doing homework
Not quite fast enough.

I am in my borrowed room
Door locked behind me
Head buried in shame
I should have spoken

Alone on the tatami
My young host sister
A hand to her face
Weeping silently

Urusai, she said
My father is loud
I apologize for him

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Three unseasoned Jesus poems

Come Again

Jesus is pissed
With literalists

Insisting on a second-coming
Of the flesh

I’m here
He wants to say

But most people
Are not listening

The soul is not lost
When the body departs

How can I return
When I never left you?


Abandon old prejudices
Empty forms
Cast off loud declarations of piety

I welcomed lepers, tax collectors, prostitutes
Why is your love so narrow now?
You could find no room for me.


I was consumed by the fire of my message
Burning brightly for three years
Until extinguished.

Head bowed, crown of thorns
Martyrdom consumed my message
And what remained
Sin, Death, Redemption, Life Everlasting
Was all that could survive the cross

How great now is my pain
Nailed to crosses in every nation
Bleeding still from ragged wounds

Take me down from your walls
Remove my weary body from around your necks

Live in the now
Open your hearts
Love one another
As I have loved you.